Rhymes. Its flexibility and durability, combined with its odour and fire-resistant properties, make it suitable for innumerable purposes, both decorative and functional. B. I am wearing a black suit. Jack is Air. Consider getting a cedar chest for your valuable woolens as they act as a natural insect repellent. 0. The annual average value maybe put at not quite 2,000,000, machinery and tin-plate being a long way the most important items. The fluffy woolen jumper Wee Woollies Merino Bodysuit and Beanie ($ 54) Designed and made in Canada, Wee Woollies offers a bright and beautiful collection of pure merino wool clothing and sleepwear for newborn to 6 years and for every season and all types of fun. A. Woollen definition: Woollen clothes or materials are made from wool or from a mixture of wool and artificial | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Woolen clothes are also useful against summer sweat, because they wick sweat and other types of dampness away from the body. definitions. Woolen clothing is hot in the summer--woolen is an adjective. >> Sentences >> Structure of the Sentence >> Woolen clothes are good heat insulators .
Here are 300 fantastic examples of sentences and phrases with the word "wool". >> Structure of the Sentence Woolen clothes are good heat insulators because .. is trapped within the woolen fibres. He was clad in old-fashioned Virginia homespun woolen cloth. C. Heat. synonyms.
English idiom. 2.The cotton thread can then be made into cloth. Woolen yarn is soft, light, stretchy, and full of air. Sentences with the word : Synonyms. A heavy woolen or worsted stuff with a pattern woven in the same way as the linen damask; -- made for furniture covering and hangings. The fibres trap air and air is a good insulator because it doesn't allow heat to transfer through it very easily. Before going out to play in the snow, the children but on How can you use the woolen in a sentence? 0. 1) The winter season is the coldest season of the year, starting in the month of December and ending in the month of February. By spreading over us the heavy woolen blankets the Mounted Police use under their saddles, we slept in comfort. Air.
You turn over and wrap Write five sentence for woolen clothes clothes Get the answers you need, now! Learn the definition of the word "wool" and how to use wool in a sentence. In August he will sell off the lambs, roughly half of his herd, to Pendleton Woolen Mills, which will buy the raw wool to make garments and fabric the company sells in its shops and to department stores. Since she has gained weight, all of Carries pants and other pieces of clothing are too tight to wear. Translations. 3. ; 2.
B. 5.Most of the cotton gathered to make cloth comes from crops grown on cotton plantations. Wool is a fabric that does not burn easily. A Ralph Waldo Emerson. The Wool upon his belly, Sir, It dragged upon the ground, It was sold in Darby town, Sir, For forty thousand pound. 13. laundryman: ok, let me see. 9. this white shirt can be washed in water with hands, but this suit and the Woolen sweater should be dry-cleaned. The Kabari huddled against it in their woolen shawls, like Inuit outside their igloos. To be + wearing + clothes. She on the sofa knitting woolen stockings. Question . Strong waterproof footwear and protective outdoor clothing is advisable, as is a change of clothes. Lists. sentences. The company began to expand their product line into other woolen products such as clothing. Sentences with word woolen (see phrases) Woolen (American English) or woollen (Commonwealth English) is a type of yarn made from carded wool. Water. (all singular)BREAK5. Rich was engaged in the woolen-mills business in 1906. Definitions. 3) December and January are considered as the extreme cold months of the winter season. Correct option is . Very colorful swimsuit??? A. Sentence example with the word 'woolen' woolen Definition adj. 8.
Before deciding on a cleaning method for wool clothing, look for the care instruction label. wool comes from sheep. C. Heat. I never knew there were so many kinds of woolen cloth.
Open chiefly applied to the fleecy coat of the sheep, which constitutes a most essential material of clothing in all cold and temperate climates. Cold storage in temperatures of 40 degrees (4 C) or lower further discourages infestation. She is wearing a yellow shirt, an orange skirt and pink socks. These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content that does not reflect the opinions or policies of 7. The Bhotiyas who lives at high altitudes generally wear woolen clothes.
2) The winter season is very cold and is one of the four seasons in India. It is usually used to make outer clothing but is also used to make blankets, socks, sweaters and fine clothing. Yes . He wore thin, patched trowsers, a small, ragged cap, and large, tattered boots, and over his shoulders was a worn woolen shawl. She wear a woolen scarf. D. Gas. People use wool fiber to make clothing, blankets, and other things to keep warm. Pendleton Woolen Mills, 1307 Southeast Court Place, ( 541 ) 276-6911, offers free tours Monday to Friday, 9 and 11 a . ; 3. Usually wears dark clothes and woolen shirts. The exact question is whether section 18 includes in the term 'clothing wool' long staple or combing wool as well as short staple or carding wool. William Shakespeare. The shortened credits on revenue bonds and the cash duties on woolen s which were introduced by the act of 1832, and took effect on the 4th of March last, have brought large sums into the Treasury in 1833, which, according to the credits formerly given, would not have been payable until 1834, and would have formed a part of the income of that year. 3.There are different types of cotton plants. synonyms. There is a huge number of advantages associated with the wool and that is the reason why demand for wool clothing remains on top worldwide. thesaurus. In 1933 she married Marshall Perry Slade, who manufactured woolen products.
Woolen clothes would be too hot for most of the areas. It's difficult to see woolen in a sentence . Woollen clothes or materials are made from wool or from a mixture of wool and artificial fibres . thick woollen socks. Woollens are clothes, especially sweaters, that are made of wool. winter woollens. COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary. Copyright HarperCollins Publishers Collins! Collins! 1. 2. 3. Collins English Dictionary. Rabbit wool is called angora wool. In BRIT, use woollen of or related to or made of wool Last update: June 15, 2015.
Woollen clothes or materials are made from wool or from a mixture of wool and artificial fibres . thick woollen socks. Woollens are clothes, especially sweaters, that are made of wool. Antonyms. : On average, the amount for food and clothing accounts for 60 per cent of the money for children. 3) Ok no plurals here 4) Throw all this in the trash not to the trash 5) These lights not . Medium. Put aside your woolen attires, switch-off your heaters; its time to lock your home and go for a summer travel.
She shivered in excitement and hugged her heavy woolen wrapper around her. But its also used for so much more. You also change the subject pronoun (he, she) with the name of the person or the subject. 0. D. Gas. Verified by Toppr. : Inside they found mouldy plates and pans in the kitchen sink and clothing covered with cat hairs and flea eggs. sentences. : The principal machine was capable of ironing 3,000 articles of clothing 16 examples of wearing clothes in a sentence- how to use it in a sentence. 4.Some cotton plants grow wild in tropical and subtropical areas of the world. Fire Retardant. Woman's woolen dress found in oak coffin. thesaurus "Ninety-five percent of our wool is going to China" "Exporter of acrylic and cut wool clothing for fibre industry" "Farming antonyms. To this day, most wool produced is used for clothing. a n v d [Please select] 0 "Suppose, whoever made that path, had pulled over his shoes a heavy woolen sock." 2. definitions. Plaiden, coarse woolen cloth. Woolen sweaters can be hand knitted, producing in most cases a finer and less expensive garment. 1.
He is wearing a blue shirt and brown pants or brown trousers. Sentence examples for woolen clothes from inspiring English sources. It is recommended that woolen clothing is washed after every 4 or 5 wearings and cashmere more often. m . He bought a silk and wool blend jacket--olive, gray, and brown in a quiet weave. Woolen clothes are good heat insulators because .. is trapped within the woolen fibres. Examples from the Collins Corpus. Examples of Clothing in a sentence. Dun-colored woolen garments worn by the Greek population in the south. He would like his woolen clothes put in his trunk, and to have it sent----" "Where. Most woolen garments and blankets require hand washing, although be sure to check your permanent care label to see whether the item is dry clean only.
synonyms. I hate the white people who lined the roads in their woolen clothes that kept them warm, watching us pass. Open in App. Hand Washing Wool. 6.Cotton is in the mallow family and produces delicate, lovely flowers. 10. 14. 25 examples of wool in a sentence- how to use it in a sentence. In cold weather, woolen clothes stay warm and when the temperature increases, woolen clothes help you to stay cool and look fresh. The company offers high quality jackets, suits and woolen sweaters. Wool example sentences, listen the pronunciation, easily copy & paste. antonyms.
Medium. We all know that wool as the clothing material has been used throughout history and despite with the arrival of more complex artificial clothing fabrics, it continues to be used today as well. Generally, wool is used for making sweaters, blankets, quilts and other coverings to provide warm and comfort in the winters.
He moved to Killingly, Connecticut, in 1879 and engaged in the manufacture of woolen products. exact (5) The flight was the first undertaken in woolen clothes rather than the usual space suits. Their heavy woolen pants and Pack clothes in airtight containers well-sealed garment bags or boxes and trunks with secure lids. Solution. definitions. Water. Woolens should be stored in a cool, dark, and dry spot. Lists. There is further a small transit trade through Transcaucasia from Persia to the value of less than half a million sterling annually, and chiefly in carpets, cocoons and silk, wool, rice and boxwood; and further a sea-borne trade between Persia and Caucasian.
Fashion wears out more clothes than the man. To further assist my family I knit woolen jackets. Examples of 'woolen' in a sentence Go to the dictionary page of woolen. Knitting is crafting of yarn or woolen thread with the help of 2 needles. Sentences. Woolen sweaters are made of wool. The clothing store is having a sale on summer shorts and t-shirts. Use a mild detergent or a specialist woolen laundry liquid. In the play, I wore my mothers wig and my grandmothers shoes, but my two sisters clothes were too modern for the part. As a Firefighter Clothing business, we often make customized fire department designs on many of our shirts and jackets.
m ., 1 : 30 and 3 p . Short, thick hair, especially when crisped or curled. She did come upon a white woolen bathrobe. A. Not just yet," Joe said and wandered down aisles of tin cloth pants, wax impregnated jackets with wool liners, vests, and virgin wool sweaters. Lists. Wool is a natural material.
A coarse woolen cloth dyed of one color or printed on one side; generally used as a covering for carpets. antonyms. Keep closets, dresser drawers and trunks clean. Advertisement Advertisement gourishetty gourishetty sentences.
However, the village was known for its woolen products from 1839 until 1982. Death can settle over our lives like a dark, wet, and stinky woolen blanket. A good intention clothes itself with power.
Woolen sentence example woolen Meanings Synonyms Sentences She wore silk pajamas and a woolensweater. 180 46 Seeing Prince Andrew she leaned out from behind the apron and, waving her thin arms from under the woolenshawl, cried: 29 examples of clothes in a sentence- how to use it in a sentence.
He had a woolen hat that tied under the chin. Also she should be properly clothed; preferably in thin woolen clothes, wearing as little as possible, yet being comfortable. a n v d [Please select] 0. Emperor's new clothes. Most of the Carson colchas were made from recycled woolen fabrics. She squared her shoulders under the woolen cloak and lifted her head. Example sentences with the word woolen. Air.
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