": In a story written by Alfred, Batman and Robin's identities as Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson are accidentally exposed, forcing them to adopt two new secret
Over the years,
The New Lex Luthor, when he became President, threatened Batman: The FBI.
"Batman's New Secret Identity!
Batman's Identity Isn't As Secret As He Thinks | Screen Rant
In the 90 batman animated story, Talia-Al-Ghul was able to find Batman's secret identity through detective work.
The CIA. This was a big addition to the short list of supervillains who knew Batmans big secret, most of whom could be trusted with the information for reasons of sympathy or honor. During BATMAN: R.I.P., there was a lot of people running around that knew Batman's identity.
Played With in the DC Extended Universe: In Man of Steel, Clark uses various fake identities while Walking the
Every Batman movie that has ever existed has to have some subplot involving Batmans secret identity.
Bruce Wayne's wearing a teeny tiny mask may not be the best means to
With DC weeks away from launching its Future State crossover event, the company is finally revealing the identity of the new Batman featured The Worlds Greatest Detective has the worlds worst kept secret.http://whatculture.com/comics/10-dc-characters-who-discovered-batmans-secret
Usually the villain wants to know or already knows.
Amazon.com: Trends International Batman Secret Identity Wall Poster 22.375" x 34": Posters & Prints. The public identity being known to the general public as the " superhero persona" and the other being the secret identity.
As we contemplated the relative efficacy of Batman's cape and cowl in keeping his identity a secret, commenter Baalek2 shared this anecdote with us about just how surprisingly Even among his fellow heroes, the Dark Knight still works to maintain a level of disconnect between his The following is a list of persons whose knowledge of Batgirl's secret identity has been hinted at, but not established. All year, Batman comics have been gearing up for Joker War, a Gotham-wide crossover in which, well, the Joker does something big Beyond the fact that a great many people (strongly) identify with the character, it is a fact that Catwoman in the New 52 does not know his In The following is a list of persons who know Batman's secret identity as Terry McGinnis (Those who knew Bruce Wayne was the original Batman tend to automatically know that Terry is the new one Batman's New Secret Identity is the cover story to Batman #151 (Nov 1962): This is something of an unusual tale in that Batman's secret identity is learned by everyone, when And Superman, and
A new era calls for a new Batman.
I'd like to keep the list to people confirmed to know Bruce's secret, and not include people who probably know it, such as Commissioner Gordon. The private or secret identity is typically the superhero's legal name, By Michael Jung Published Jul 12, 2020 Bruce Wayne has worked hard to keep his identity as Batman a closely guarded secret from everyone (except his butler Alfred, Superman, The Joker knows Batmans secret identity.
As should come a surprise to precisely no-one, every individual Robin has deciphered the secret identity of their mentor at some point or another in Batman reveals his secret identity to Commissioner Gordon near the end of the film.
When Bruce decided to adopt the newly orphaned
Over on the r/batman subreddit, u/PR3DA7oR posted a screencap of a comic image of Wonder Woman, Superman, and Batman all gripping her Lasso of Truth and revealing their
Answer (1 of 10): The same way he survives fights, injuries and death traps Plot Armour.
:o"Justice League Animated" is the property of DC.All third party content is used in the purpose of parody, and thus represents fair use.
Batman's Villains are among the most iconic in comics.
In Man of Steel, Lois found Kal-El even before knowing Clark. The Joker alone is considered one of the most dangerous non powered villains and serial killers in comic book history.
The caped crusader who keeps Gothamites safe doesn't stalk the alleys of the city full But what (I can hear you asking) does this have to do with Batman? The Bat-Family: Back when Bruce Wayne became Batman, only one person knew the hero's true identity his faithful butler Alfred. Person/Entity.
And Batgirl.
Well, its simple.
First Learned/Established in. 10. Later crime doctor engages in a fight with Batman and tried to Batman is one of the most secretive superheroes in the DC Universe.
No one must ever knowwell, except Robin and Alfred, of course. As Dr. Bradford Thorne he has treated Batman's secret identity (ie Bruce Wayne) from a wound on his shoulder. Skip to main content.us.
Every Robin. I can
Otherwise its a love
Batman's secret identity is the most closely guarded secret in the DC Universe.
Batman's true identity is a closely guarded secret and is usually only known by members of the Batfamily. After tireless investigation, this reporter has at last found out Batman's secret identity.
Taking place about 18 months into Bruce's career as a costumed crime-fighter, the psychologist supervillain Hugo Strange figured out Batmans identity by examining the
After months of intrigue and subterfuge, the identity of DC's Next Batman has been revealed as Tim Fox, the estranged son of longtime Batman ally Lucius Fox and brother of the There really was a time in DC Comics when the Riddler knew Batmans secret identity and couldnt tell anyone about it because of a joke about elephants and fences. DC Comics.
But in Mister Miracle: The Source of Freedom #1 , written by Brandon James Gordon.
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