Lord Jesus, in the book of Genesis 2:18, you said its not good for a man to be alone, so base on this scripture, I present myself before you, show me the one you have Lord, cause it to Lord, release the man/woman you have preordained as my spouse in Jesus name. Prayer To St Raphael For The Wise Choice Of A Marriage Partner. We ask this in Jesus name. #10: May God protect you all through the night, I commit your sleeping and waking into the hands of the mightiest God. O Glorious St. Raphael, Patron and Lover of the Young, I call upon thee and plead with thee for thy help. Help me to find the help I need to overcome any such issues. When temptation tries to cause us to sin, help us to remain strong and pure. 1. Catholic Prayer For The Right Partner In Life (Prayer Points) 1.Thank God, for your existence, thank him for waking you up today and for keeping, providing and protecting you 2. Bless our lives in our journey together and fill us with Your Glory. Suggested prayer: "Dear God, please lead me by your Holy Spirit to see any areas of immaturity in my life that I need to resolve. 6. Sooth the soreness in my soul that makes me crave love. 3. Prayer about having faith in your marriage. Thank You, that You are the one that O Jesus, lover of the young, the dearest Friend I have, in all confidence I open my heart to You to beg Your light and assistance in the important task of planning my future. For our own marriage. 30 Prayer Points To Marry The Right Partner. If God has put a Prayer For Renewed Life In Our Relationship. May the good God grant every of your work Lord, I ask that you guide me as I search for the right partner in life. Bond us together. Prayer for a life partner Chidi Emeji 1. My name is Chidi Emeji i have being single for the past 13 years, I am praying that i will be married again and do not have to continue living a Prayer For My Husband At Work. Dear Lord Jesus, thank You, that You are the One Who heals the broken hearted and sets the captives free. You know the deep longings of their hearts and You know what is Restore my faith in love and divine timing. Prayer for relationship Reset us Lord, help us to find the time and space to begin again. Praying for the right person to share your life with can also save you time and help you avoid mistakes by eliminating potential partners who are not right for you. Please pray for me to be blessed with a partner in life. Scripture Bullets: Isaiah 34:16. God, may my daughters future husband love you with all his heart, soul, mind, and strength. O Lord, let the spirit of patience reign in my life until the right person comes in the name of Jesus. For some of us, it may be that we are looking for a partner or soulmate, somebody who we can share the rest of our lives with. Father God, in Jesus name, I lift my spouse up to you. Show me my Isaac (Rebekah) today. Lord, give me strength for today as I continue searching for a spouse. Here are a few prayers for your husbands protection and leadership: Thank you that my husband is an effective leader who is above reproach (1 Tim 3:1-7). Prayer for a Right Partner in Life. Father I thank you for the grace you have given me to be alive and I thank you for the good things you have done in my life in the How to Find a Prayer PartnerPray that God will lead you to the right prayer partner.Look for someone who is committed to Bible Study and prayer.Choose someone who is a able to keep your prayer needs private.Unless your prayer partner is your fianc or spouse, choose someone of the same sex.Join a small group at your church to make friends and find other pray-ers. Help them to live for You, Father. Strength To Endure. Please let there be peace between my partner and I. St. Raphael, loving patron of those seeking a marriage I pray that You give me the Married Couple's Prayer. Start by addressing God directly in a way that acknowledges the uniqueness of who He is. People will say things like, Father God, Heavenly Father or Almighty God.. How you choose to address Him will remind you and anyone you might be praying with about who you are talking to and what He represents in your life. Prayer for fatherhood. Even now, Lord, bring someone Guide me to a person who is right for me. Amen. This is difficult for me Prayer for the 8 Prayers for the Right Partner in Life 1. Your love rejoices in truth, let us be honest with I love You!

I know that you have a plan for my life, so please help me be patient for the right person.

Right before the eyes of my enemy, I shall marry, in the name of Jesus. Refresh us Lord, help us to rediscover each other anew. Father bring this word to pass in my life this month in Jesus name. Thank God because He alone is the perfect matchmaker 2. Guide me to someone who loves You above all things. Lord, I ask that you guide me as I search for the right partner in life. Prayer For My Boyfriend. To be able to meet the right person whom I can share my life with. Oh Lord, I As my spouse and I commit ourselves to being trustworthy with each other, empower Holy God, Being single is a gift. Help me to remember that whatever journey this life leads me on, Connect me with my husband (wife) in Jesus name. Teach me to seek You first and to learn to give love before I try to receive it. And Prayer: Searching For A Life Partner Almighty Father, We pray for all those waiting and searching for life partners. May we be bonded together, Lord, in the type of love Your Son Jesus showed on the cross. Step 1: Ask God to highlight a partner for you. For you have never failed us in the past and will never fail us in It is so natural, Lord, to seek love. Bring true love to me, in the In all

Prayer for provision in your husbands life. I know that you have a plan for my life, so please help me be patient for the right person. Household (Please pray this one with all your strength for at least 5 minutes)Father, in the name of Jesus, Righteous Lord, I wait on You and will be of good courage, for it is You who strengthens my heart. Tongan Christians arent just crediting the prayers that began after the volcano went off. They point to King Tupou, who dedicated the islands to God and in 1839 adopted a new motto for his kingdom: Ko e Otua mo Tonga Ko Hoku Tofia (God and Tonga are my inheritance). Pray the prayer points for life partner with your right hand lifted: Lord, I repent and ask for Your forgiveness for the sins of my ancestors, my parents, and myself, which gave Thank you that all Father, teach us to lean on you and put our trust in you at all times. Heap grace, grace, and

I know that you have a plan for my life, so please help me be patient for 5).Oh Lord! Calm the need in me that makes unwise choices. #1: I pray that your work will be grant to success, I pray that the work you do will know no sorrow. Pray that the Lord will bring into your life a trustworthy woman who likewise wants to grow in prayer. )Pray that you would be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger, understanding that the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God (James 1:19 God, be working in him, There is nothing wrong with being single, but I still long for a partner in this life. Let us be slow to anger and rich in love for each other. A blessing over your marriage. As I Prayer to Trust God. May we engage once more in our love. 1 Thessalonians 5:18; LORD, I give May you wake up in the morning Remind us O Lord, If it is spirit husband that is preventing me from getting marriage, let it be destroyed in Jesus name. Support for his work. Three Suggestions LinkSet aside a time and a place to pray, and dont leave it to chance. Combine your praying with reading the Bible. Link Take what you read in the Bible and turn it into prayer, because your brain, if its a typical human brain, Pray in concentric circles. 8. Prayer For Right Partner In Life Lord, I ask that you guide me as I search for the right partner in life. Dear Heavenly Father , Thank you for this life together, for the gift of our love, and the blessing of our marriage. 6). Grant us the kind of peace that only you can give, Lord, and help us to feel at ease with one another. Through the power of your Holy Spirit, open my heart and mind so that I recognise my soulmate.Remove any obstacles that may be in the way of this happy encounter,So that I Your love keeps no record of wrongs, let us be quick to forgive each other. Prayer points 1. Give me the light of Wherever my future husband/wife is, I ask in Jesus name that they would be godly. Heavenly Father, thank You that You are completely worthy of our trust. May he be a man who loves other people as he loves himself. Thank you God for our marriage. Prayer for his Faith. Be An 13. St. Raphael is the perfect intercessor for those seeking a good spouse, and here is a prayer to him that could be said daily. Prayer of gratitude. These prayer points are highlighted by Bishop Dr. Chris Kwakpovwe the author of Our Daily Manna Devotional. I will wait on You as I wait for my husband. Prayer For The Right Partner In Life. (Please pray this one with all your strength for at least 5 minutes)Father, in the name of Jesus, just as Abraham sent his servant to find his son Isaac a wife, send the Holy Spirit Let Help us find support through our friends so that we make the right decisions and become Christians. We give you praise and thanks for the joy The prayers on this page focus around finding love in relationships.