- Will & Purpose - Justice - Power (Ability) - Mercy and Favor . Jinns & their Purpose of Creation. Allah created us to worship Him alone One of the greatest reasons for which Allah has created mankind which is one of the greatest tests is the command to affirm His Oneness ( Tawhid ) and to worship Him Alone with no partner or associate. Allah has created many worlds and beings which we cannot see. I am sure we have all read the ahadth in which the Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam said: 3. As a matter of fact, creation of man was the purpose of creation of the universe. Whoever obeys Him, He will reward him, and whoever disobeys Him, He will punish him. Allah Almighty says, And He has subjected to you, as from Him, all that is in the heavens and on earth: Behold, in that are Signs indeed for those who reflect. As their loving Father, God wants humans to live. Then, man needs to love the Creator, the soil, the beings on and in the soil and in the world. To have been very good, God s creation must have been without blemish, defect, disease, suffering, or death. Qur'an 51:56. In the same way that the mans car would not restart or move, similarly, the universe would not have been created. Animals did not prey on each other, and the first two humans, Adam and Eve, did not kill animals for food. Now back to the question Who created Allah? "He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then established Himself on the Throne. Plants are food for people and animals. Unlike humans and jinn, angels cannot choose to disobey Allah (Qur'an 66:6, 21:27, and 21:20). b. I have NO faith in Aristotle or Plato. He was not created in a moment. This is impossible. As a result, they do not accept or believe in Allah, and the test is being shaped in accordance with their belief. Thats right. 1.God says in the Holy Quran that mankind was not created but to worship Him. What is also manifest in creation, in the act of creation, the creation of man, is his attribute of justice, fairness, which comes out as the judgment at the end of this world. Allah is eternal, and so not bound by the constraints of time. We offered the Trust to the heavens and the earth and the mountains, but they refused to undertake it and were afraid of it. "He it is Who created the heavens and the earth in six days, then established Himself on the Throne. Can something really come from nothing? 1.to have a "purpose" implies that one has a need or has a defect,by doing certain actions one fulfill his need or remove his defect. Each new child who is born, every seed that sprouts into a sapling, every new species that appears on earth, is part of the ongoing process of Allah's creation .

Allah defined the purpose of mankinds creation in the Quran: I have created the jinn and humankind only for My worship. (Quran 51:56) Thus, the essential purpose for which humankind was created is the worship of God. Therefore Allah created us for a reason to worship Him alone thus know him He is the One. OTHERWISE no one would know Him without this worship. ITS A MEANS TO THE END ONLY NOT A MEANS IN ITSELF. He created them so that His slaves might understand the completeness of His Knowledge and Power and the extent of His Might, Be sure of him/herself and be saved from the confusion of believing in different gods and thus unify his personality and belief. Whoever obeys Him, He will reward him, and whoever disobeys Him, He will punish him.

a) To Worship Allah Alone: The basic message of the Holy Quran is to worship Allah (The Almighty God) alone and do not make partners with him in his worship. It has an external cause. The Quran inspires conviction by appealing to the aspects of the inner life of human beings, namely, to the heart and the mind. So indeed Allah created a being incapable of evil. Being created is an example of Allah's mercy towards us. Thus one can conclude that we were created, fundamentally because Allah is merciful. However, although there are many different perspectives to the answer as to why we were created, they are all connected and in a way each of them is right. In the Islamic tradition, the case for Gods existence is solid in terms of its rational foundations as well as the purpose, meaning, comfort, and guidance that it gives to our lives. The purpose put forward by Aristotle and Plato before him is based on observational, testable and falsifiable evidence. The final servant created in the creation stage of the universe was man. Tawhid, the oneness of Allah, is an essential belief for all Muslims. However, the Almighty is not in need of human worship. However, the Almighty is not in need of human worship. There was no survival of the fittest.. Worship, according to the Quran, is a very broad and inclusive term that includes not only praying five times a day, The origin of man is soil; the one who created man is Allah. Islam suggests that nature was created by Allah specifically for mankinds use and so must be recognised and respected as a gift for which man must be grateful. The Quran states, Have a clear picture of who he really is and understand that Allah is the One who creates, gives life and takes life away. In the Quran, Allah encourages us to use our minds and realise he has created the world around us: [211 The purpose of jinns and mans creation has been restricted to the worship of Allah whereas there are many Allah ( ) wanted man to shape his life according to what He ( ) had decreed. And I (Allaah) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me (Alone) [al-Dhaariyaat 51:56] Ibn Katheer (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: i.e., I have created them so that I may command them to worship Me, not because I have any need of them. Although we can understand some of His attributes, His essence cannot be comprehended by a human's limited mental capacity. We can also see from what the Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam has informed us, that in the creation there is manifestation of Allah's attributes of mercy, forgiveness, kindness etc etc. Purpose of Revelation. ALLAH created man and man belongs to Him. So Satan was made up to explain the bad stuff. Answered by: Sheikh Jafar Fathullah Tweet Both the parties in an oath are present at the moment; swearing upon something and making an oath is always in front of others because the person is afraid to be proven as a liar in front of others. 5. It is not correct that he evolved from a species of monkeys or apes which is the theory advanced by Darwin. And We split the earth in clefts. (3) Man was created from an origin of his own species. Answer (1 of 4): It may come as a surprise to you but Allah is Not God, and I mean no offence. A bit of a background before we get into the subject. and attention towards the purpose of the various parts of man, imparts a firm conviction to us that there exists a great significance behind the creation of man. Allah, through His Grace and Mercy provides for our progress towards beauty and goodness, which He has no benefit in our success and failure. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): Verily, the likeness of (this) worldly life is as the water (rain) which We send down from the sky; so by it arises the intermingled produce of the earth of which men and cattle eat. Humans were created to submit to God through worship. This apparently may raise two questions: [1] If Allah has created a creature for a particular task, and it is His will that it should perform that task rationally it is impossible for it to deviate from that task, because doing anything contrary to the will of Allah is inconceivable. This is the mercy of Allah manifest in his creation. He ( ) ordained that one day man shall die and return to Him. Each new child who is born, every seed that sprouts into a sapling, every new species that appears on earth, is part of the ongoing process of Allah's creation .

Allah is never "done" with His work because the process of creation is ongoing. Allah is never "done" with His work because the process of creation is ongoing. I have created the jinn and humankind only for My worship. (Quran 51:56) What is more, Adam, the father of mankind, has been created in Allah's own image, as declared by the Prophet (pbuh) 3. Allah created us to be tested. The purpose of this life is the worship of Allah, this life is a test. Allah was a Meccan tribal deity who, because of the prophet Mohammed, became a national deity. September 21, 2021 EXPLORE ISLAM. Having done that, they And your god is One God. The first possibility is that the universe was created from nothing. It has been narrated from Imam Hussain (a.s) that: Allah has created Man in order to know him. BUT God (whatever you call him) being all powerful means that Satan or Iblis can only exist if What is faith Faith is the substantiation of things hoped for. The rest of creation on the Earth and Heavens were created for the service of man. We pour forth water in abundance. To that end and purpose, everything has been designed. Allah states in the Quran that He created man to be His Khalefah, His trustee on earth (Quran 2:30). He demands no sustenance from us, nor does He want us to feed Him. It was created by God. Allah created man in paradise, they disobeyed Allah, but Allah had taught them how to repent, how to turn back to him and seek his forgiveness, then he would forgive them. We can hardly understand it ourselves, much less trying to understand the essence of things. The paradise from which we were created, we were created in paradise and for paradise. In Quran 3:81-82, we learn of the oath of the Prophets where Allah mentions Himself as the witness. This world is a transitional period. That is by taking the Kalimah as one's creed and having at least some conviction in it. Through our choices we have left, in this life, a field of testing, where we can grow to a state where we deserve paradise. 2. The Free Will. Allah therefore CANNOT create and was certainly not the creator of mankind. Then depending on their deeds, He will judge and admit them either in paradise or hell. When He created us, He gave us the free will and intelligence to either acknowledge the multitudes of signs that point to Him being the designer and creator of the universe or to deny His presence. It was created from nothing. He didnt create anything without purpose everything is created due to some reason and have some purpose in life. We as a Muslim have a clear perception in our mind that the creation o this world and humankind is to praise and worship of our Creator. Islam addresses the reason of what and why of human existence. (2) Man's creation involved an evolutionary process extending over a long period of time. Allah Almighty created man to serve Him, meaning that men should believe in the One Lord and do well. This is the mercy of Allah manifest in his creation. 2.God doesn't have a Need nor Defect,so "purpose" is meaningless for God,and God IS the purpose himself for every other things. The purpose for mans creation is to worship the Creator. It is only from Divine Revelation that we can determine the reality of our creation, because it is Allah who has created us and so He knows the purpose of our creation. Allah therefore CANNOT create and was certainly not the creator of mankind. Consequently we conclude that the purpose of our creation is The sole reason why humans were sent to this world was because Allah could test their sincerity towards their Lord. Allaah has told us that the creation of the heavens and the earth, and of life and death, is for the purpose of testing, so as to test man. Mankinds basic trust, our responsibility, is to believe in and worship Allah: And I did not create the Jinn and mankind except to worship Me (Quran, 51:56-58) Very simple! Humans were created to submit to God through worship. Allaah says ; His love for us was so great that he decided to use himself as the template for our existence (Genesis 1:26). It was self-created. Of all His wonderful creations we are his greatest achievement. ) and this is the philosophy of our worship and prayers, which are indeed training classes for leading us towards perfection. As we all should be doing, test all things, look for evidence to corroborate our belief. Whether anyone realises that purpose or not, without doubt the purpose of mans creation is the worship and understanding of God Almighty and to lose himself in Him. The jinn are part of the creation of Allaah. Allah has told us that the creation of the heavens and the earth, and of life and death, is for the purpose of testing, so as to test man. According to a hadith, Allah said He was a hidden treasure and He wanted to be known. As a result, He created the universe. The final servant created in the creation stage of the universe was man. As a matter of fact, creation of man was the purpose of creation of the universe. Worshiping Allah (Jalla Jalaluhu) Allah (Jalla Jalaluhu) stated in the Quran that He created the mankind for one single purpose, which was to worship Him alone: And I (Allah) created not the Jinns and humans except they should worship Me (Alone) (Quran 51: 56). Why mankind was created is explained directly in the Qur'an: And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me. As a result, He created the universe. He says (interpretation of the meaning) "And We created not the heavens and the earth, and all that is This answers the common question of who created God. You have three possibilities for universe origin: 1. God created us for the purpose of worshipping Him, Alone and without any partners. Allah encourages us to mindfully believe in Him. Allah was a Meccan tribal deity who, because of the prophet Mohammed, became a national deity. But man undertook it. Answer (1 of 4): It may come as a surprise to you but Allah is Not God, and I mean no offence. The road to submission is available only through Islam and therefore, only by becoming Muslim does one gain the opportunity to submit to God. He did not create human beings out of a need on His part.

However, when it comes to the creation of man, they unequivocally claim it to be without an objective! The culmination of God's creativity, after bringing out of nothing everything we see around us, was to make man (Genesis 1, 2). What is also manifest in creation, in the act of creation, the creation of man, is his attribute of justice, fairness, which comes out as the judgment at the end of this world. In fact He did not create anything in vain. He needs to show this love by his attitudes and deeds that show respect to Allah and mercy to the beings around. There is no god but The Quran informs as follows; as there is no test in the hereafter, , the name of al-Qadir will dominate there and anything that man wants will be created at once and man will also be resurrected in the twinkling of an eye. All men will submit to Him eventually. The paradise from which we were created, we were created in paradise and for paradise. Allah decided to create the universe and because of his unlimited power and authority he commanded things to This is the main objective of human life.

Abi Musa Al-Shaarai narrated that Prophet Muhammad said: "Allah created Adam from a handful of dust taken from different lands, so the children of Adam have been created according to the composition of the land. Allah says, I have not created men except that they should serve Me (Quran, 51:56). Mans purpose (including Adams before the sin) is to reveal Gdliness in this world, as well as to refine the world and elevate it to a higher spiritual level. Islam teaches that Allah, the one god, has 99 attributes. What a bizarre contradiction! To conclude, the belief in Allah helps the human being to: a. A test for us, will we worship Allah, or will we forget Him. THE PURPOSE AND THE RETURN. Answer (1 of 5): Mankind was made to worship their Creator. We will now explain the answer to the first question in this section as follows: Allah (Mighty & Majestic) created a realm of everlasting delight (Paradise) and He created a Although it was mentioned in the Quran that the purpose behind creating the mankind was to worship Allah (Jalla Jalaluhu), yet He did not force any human being to This is the actual purpose of our servitude (towards Allah (s.w.t.) In any event, belief in the Wisdom of Allah (s.w.t.) God created us for the purpose of worshipping Him, Alone and without any partners. He is All-might and Power, and is the Provider for and Sustainer of all creatures. Rather, the sages explain, it refers to spiritual labor. When he knows God, he will worship him. Allah has stated this reason for the creation of mankind, as He says (interpretation of the meaning): [al-Hijr 15:26-27] And the jinn, We created aforetime from the smokeless flame of fire". Allah created Mankind for the purpose of recognising Him, and then submitting to Him, more or less. He created them from fire before He created Adam, as Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): "And indeed, We created man from dried (sounding) clay of altered mud. Islam is based on monotheism. God calls on humans to use their intellect and reflect on the world So for the universe to be in existence, we could not have an infinite amount of creators and instead would need a creator who is eternal. Through our choices we have left, in this life, a field of testing, where we can grow to a state where we deserve paradise. Answer (1 of 7): Early religious people said if God is all powerful then that means he is responsible for all the bad stuff that happens. The road to submission is available only through Islam and therefore, only by becoming Muslim does one gain the opportunity to submit to God. [Al-Jathiya: 13). According to a hadith, Allah said He was a hidden treasure and He wanted to be known. He did not create human beings out of a need on His part. When he worships God (properly and with knowledge), he will not worship any one else other than God.. The purpose of this life is the worship of Allah, this life is a test. Allah defined the purpose of mankinds creation in the Quran: I have created the jinn and humankind only for My worship. (Quran 51:56) Thus, the essential purpose for which humankind was created is the worship of God. 2. I am sure we have all read the ahadth in which the Prophet sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam said: (Jeremiah 29:11) Jehovah has always kept his promises, so we know that his purpose for mankind will have sure success. (Isaiah 55:11) This includes his purpose to have good people live forever on earth.Psalm 37:29.