Muscle Groups 1.

Methods for preventing back injuries in nursing staff were reviewed. The ratio of such claims relative to number of employed persons in the group was 22.1 for nursing aides, Adopt some new habits such as: Using appropriate lifting and bending technique This article explores multidimensional factors with respect to working behaviors, physical fitness, and environments that contribute to both acute and cumulative back injuries to nursing staff. Musculoskeletal disorders are among the ten leading occupational injury and illness problem areas in the U.S., and back injuries comprise almost half of workers' compensation claims in this problem area. Getting help: If you need to move a patient, get the help of a second staff person. If you want your back to be strong, strengthen your core muscles. MedicalSurgical Nursing: Critical Thinking for Collaborative Care Client Teaching: 6 Ways to Preventing Back Injuries Make Proper Posture a Habit. Prevention plays a major part in treating back pain. 52% reported chronic back pain 38% said theyd had to take time off work due to occupa-tion-related back pain 20% said theyd changed their unit, position, or employment setting due to lower back pain. Data obtained from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has shown that the rate of musculoskeletal problems among nursing home personnel increased from 10.7 to 18.6 injuries An evaluation of a best practices musculoskeletal injury prevention program in nursing homes. It is important for nurses to educate clients on the guidelines for Also Read: 10 Best Exercise Routines to Make You a Better Nurse 2. As our nursing workforce ages (average age 46.8 years) and we face a critical nursing shortage in this country (an expected 20% shortage by 2015 and 30% by 2020), preserving the health of our nursing staff and reducing back injuries in healthcare personnel is critical. Hospitals record an average of 6.4 work-related injuries and illnesses for every 100 full-time workers, according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), compared with 3.3 per 100 full-time employees for all other industries combined. The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has a comprehensive research the risk for back injury are examined. There is conflicting evidence regarding the efficacy of exercise interventions and the provision of manual handling equipment and training. Single trials provided moderate evidence that stress management programs do not prevent back pain and limited evidence that lumbar supports are effective in preventing back injury in nurses. Assault Unfortunately, patient physical and verbal assault is not a The study cohorts consisted of nurses, nursing aides, student nurses, and at times a combination of nurse categories. Educating of staff members regarding patient risks and strategies to prevent accidents from occurring. Back belts are effec-tive in reducing the risks to caregivers. Preventing back injury among nurses Back injury and subsequent back pain are highly prevalent in nursing. Preventing nursing back injuries: redesigning patient handling tasks Abstract The researchers identified nine patient handling tasks that place nursing staff at high risk for musculoskeletal injuries. Single trials provided moderate evidence that stress management programs do not prevent back pain and limited evidence that lumbar supports are effective in preventing back injury in nurses. 2007;Feng et al. Use your legs to lift, instead of your back. If youre a nurse with back painor want to avoid being onefocus on ways to protect and care for your back. When standing, balance your weight evenly on your feet. Proper stretching and strengthening activities may prevent back injury and relieve pain. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should contact a doctor immediately. Back Injury Prevention Avoid jerking while you lift. Some of the benefits of back injury prevention include decreased injuries and The practice of proper posture, body mechanics, and lifting techniques are reviewed. It is easy to get lost in thousands of daily activities one submerges himself into. The Victorian Nurses Back Injury Prevention Project (VNBIPP) addresses the high proportion of back injuries incurred by nurses. It may be useful in settings such as hospitals, nursing homes, assisted-living facilities, board and care homes, and during the provision of home health care. Maintaining the spine in a neutral position when bending involves hinging forward to keep the back straight. The epidemiological aspects of the back injury problem in nursing homes were considered. Responsible agencies include the individual hospitals, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the American Nurses Association, and the nursing unions. about how to prevent back injury as a result of lifting and moving patients and residents. Now is the time to get serious about safe-patient-handling programs. You have to embrace a no-lift culture, where you use mechanical devices to lift, move and reposition residents and patients. Nurses who are phys-

Back pain is one of the primary work-related injuries and illnesses among Muscles are meant to move. 8. To promote good posture when sitting, choose a chair that supports your lower back. 7 RNs are the keystone of the healthcare system, and injury and illness prevention strengthens the system at its core and improves patient care. The costly and seemingly in-tractable problem of work-related injuries among nurses and other healthcare professionals prompted If we do not initiate some of the back injury prevention measures from a nursing model, it will be done for us by a legislated mandate, as has already occurred in a number of states. When efforts to prevent injuries from MMH focus on only one risk factor, they do not significantly reduce the injury rate. Get Help from Co-Workers You dont have to do all the lifting on your own. Myths and Facts About Back Injuries in Nursing: The incidence rate of back injuries among nurses is more than double that among construction workers, perhaps because misperceptions persist about causes and solutions. You might notice a twinge in your back or have trouble getting back to a standing position after being bent over for long periods of time. 1. One of the most important things you can do for back pain prevention is to get up and get moving. Make sure you raise the bed to a comfortable position, lift close to your midsection, and avoid bending at your back. Specialized machinery and lifting apparatuses have been shown in some healthcare settings to help reduce incidence rates of back injury among nurses by up to 80%. 1985 Nov;33(11):552-7. Long-term effectiveness of Zero-Lift Programs in seven nursing homes and one hospital. Some of the techniques that nurses can use in preventing back include; 1. A typical back injury workers compensation claim can cost a hospital $40,000. Keep the natural arch in your lower back, which distributes the load evenly over the surface of spinal disks, and is less stressful than if the disk is pinched between vertebras. Actions nursing home can take to prevent injuries include: Assessing each nursing home resident individually and addressing their chances of sustaining any type of injury. 2007;Menzel 2008). It is clear from this review that there is a paucity of quality evidence for interventions that aim to prevent back pain and back injury in nurses. This is disappointing, since work absenteeism and workers compensation due to back disorders in nursing cohorts are both common and expensive. Exercises to increase flexibility, muscle strength, and endurance are encouraged to reduce the gap between job physical demands and human capabilities. The first in a two-part series. 1. Preventing Nursing Back Injuries: Redesigning Patient Handling Tasks - Audrey Nelson, John D. Lloyd, Nancy Menzel, Clifford Gross, 2003 Back pain is common among healthcare workers. An expert panel Preventing Nursing Back Injuries Redesigning Patient Handling Tasks by Audrey Nelson, PhD, RN, FAAN, John D. Lloyd, PhD, MErgS, CPE, Nancy Menzel, PhD, RN, COHN-S, and Clifford Gross, PhD, CPE, FErgS AbstrQct The researchers Identified nine patient handling tasks that place nursing staff at high risk for musculoskeletal injuries. Low back pain is highly prevalent among nursing personnel (Bos et al. Nurses can also practice good spinal care by learning correct lifting techniques, wearing proper-fitting footwear during long shifts, and exercising regularly to strengthen core and back muscles. Eat right. Keep your back straight. Back injury and subsequent back pain are highly prevalent in nursing. Muscles following four muscle groups are involved in the movement of your back and support of your spine. A paper by Dawson et al (2007) looked at 51 papers to determine this. 1. Exercise. Specific interventions to reduce the risk for back injury are examined. Nursing professionals usually perform that same or similar tasks day after day. Nurses should consult with a physical therapist to learn proper body mechanics and good lifting technique as well as to learn trunk stability exercises that could help prevent injuries, he says. Wear Good Shoes. Prolonged standing and walking on hard floors puts stress on the back. Keep your back straight. Garg, A. This article explores multidimensional factors with respect to working behaviors, physical fitness, and environments that contribute to both acute and cumulative back injuries to nursing staff. Some exercise routines you can follow to strengthen back muscles include back extensions, knee rolls and bottom to heels stretch. As a Know Lifting Limits. Specific interventions to reduce the Nurses are sustaining preventable back and neck injuries. NIOSH research programs to prevent back injuries to health care personnel in nursing homes was discussed. A more recent systematic review of 89 existing studies on the correlation between nursing and lower back pain, conducted by nursing researchers at the University of British Columbia and published in the International Journal of Occupational and (proper body movement that helps to prevent injury). Exercise Often With 12-hour shifts the norm in the nursing professional, prioritizing health and wellness needs to be at the top of every nurse's to-do list. To prevent occupational back injuries, it is essential to identify the factors of MMH that make the worker more susceptible to injury or that directly contribute to injury. Exercises like yoga, strength training, swimming, boxing, and Pilates all help, but so do everyday actions. Back Injury Prevention 5 Spinal Cord and Nerves of nerve bundles that carry messages throughout your body. Tuck your chin in. Injury Prevention, 10, 206-211. Since the workplace injuries and illnesses of RNs bear monetary and societal costs, understanding those injuries and illnesses can help combat future hazards through improvements in policy and technology. The agencies employed to protect workers must begin to do just that. Why does exercise prevent back pain? What are the most effective interventions to prevent back injury at work? Preventing Back Injuries Among Caregivers Allina Hospitals and Clinics Learning Objectives Upon completion of Allina SPM training, participants will be able to:ttoo::to: 1) Explain the risk of injury to patients, self, and co-workers related to manual lifting, The researchers identified nine patient handling tasks that place nursing staff at high risk for musculoskeletal injuries. (1999). If you aren't in good shape, you're more likely to hurt your back and feel pain when you do even simple movements. Funding is available to support ongoing back injury prevention education via the Continuing Nurse Education Grant scheme and Working out is good for everyone, and nurses are at an advantage when they are fit. A lack of trial replication inhibits the conclusions that can be drawn regarding the effectiveness of stress management in preventing back pain and injury in nurses. We found limited evidence from a single trial to support the use of lumbar supports to prevent back injury in nurses. Preventing Back Injuries: Safe Patient Handling and Movement 8515 GEORGIA AVENUE SUITE 400 SILVER SPRING, MD 20910-3492 WWW.NURSINGWORLD.ORG Occupational Health & Safety Series Common Belief Body mechanics training is effective in preventing job-related injuries. There is conflicting evidence regarding the efficacy of exercise interventions and the provision of manual handling equipment and training. Don't slouch. Mitigating ergonomic hazards with transfer devices also helps to prevent patient injury and uncomfortability which may come with being manually transferred by other people. The repetitive motions of these tasks can cause wear and tear on your muscles. Consider these ways you can prevent back injuries. The injuries are often due to common nursing activities such as lateral transfers, ambulating, repositioning, and manipulating. Maintain Good Body Posture Ask for Help Preventing back injuries: an application of the nursing research process. The stronger your stomach and side muscles are, the more support your back will get. To prevent spinal injury, it will take a team effort, using all available resources accompanied by a change in culture, emphasizing safety over expediency. McKechnie MR. PMID: 3851249 Stand with your feet about 2 feet or so apart Squat down, bending at the hips and knees only Keep your back straight. An expert panel redesigned these tasks using new patient handling technologies and work practice controls. Encouraging residents to join exercise programs. Utilizing the correct lifting and bending method We have seen that lifting heavy weights incorrectly and bending inappropriately can cause back pain. Avoid overuse and repetitive situations. Occup Health Nurs. Avoid bending forward or sideways. It is time to end the behavior that results in these injuries. In most cases, however, its best to employ one of the next two steps, for safetys sake. Stay Strong. Of the papers reviewed, only 20 met their selection criteria. You can take steps to avoid and prevent back pain and injuries at work. Doing pilates or yoga is also beneficial in reducing the risk of back strain. For example: Pay attention to posture. You have to do more than simply have extra people available. This means dont bend at the waist when reaching to lift an object. Nurses are also encouraged to be knowledgeable about ergonomic principles and to be active in identifying The VNBIPP is providing patient handling aids and equipment, as well as education in no lifting principles and techniques.